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A balance acidity, creamy body and and persistent aftertaste
Varietal: Catuaí
Process: Washed
Roast Profile: Medium Light
Tasting Notes: Ripened fruits, jasmine, citric, chocolate, floral
Brewing Method: Pour Over, Press
Weight: 454 g
Smooth, Sweet, and Lusciously Balanced Flavor!
Varietal: Catuaí
Process: Honey
Roast Profile: Medium Light
Tasting Notes: Smooth caramel, brown sugar and apricot
Brewing Method: Pour Over, Press
Weight: 454 g
Mildly bold, fruity, and naturally sweet perfection
Varietal: Catuaí
Process: Natural
Roast Profile: Medium Light
Tasting Notes: Red fruits, blackberries, peach, middle-body
Brewing Method: Press, Filter
Weight: 454 g
The singularity of the finest single microlots of the season
Varietal: Geisha
Process: Washed
Roast Profile: Medium Light
Tasting Notes: Citrus, peach, jasmine, lemon tea, floral and clean sweetness
Brewing Method: Filter or Press
Weight: 454 g