"Dyrker bæredygtig specialkaffe og støtter samtidig uddannelse, forskning og samfundsudvikling i Marcala"

Top microlots by COMSA
En balanceret syre, cremet krop og en vedvarende eftersmag
Varietal: Catuaí
Proces: Washed
Ristning: Lys-mellemristet
Smagsnoter: Modnet frugt, jasmin, citron, chokolade, blomster
Bryggemetode: Pour Over, Press
Vægt: 454 g
Glat, sød og lækker afbalanceret smag!
Varietal: Catuaí
Proces: Honey
Ristning: Lys-mellemristet
Smagsnoter: Glat karamel, brun farin og abrikos
Bryggemetode: Pour Over, Press
Vægt: 454 g
Mildt fed, frugtig og naturligt sød perfektion
Varietal: Catuaí
Proces: Natural
Ristning: Lys-mellemristet
Smagsnoter: Røde frugter, brombær, fersken, mellemkrop
Bryggemetode: Pour Over, Press
Vægt: 454 g
Singulariteten af sæsonens fineste enkelte mikrolots
Varietal: Geisha
Proces: Vasket
Ristning: Lys-mellemristet
Smagsnoter: Citrus, fersken, jasmin, citronte, blomsteragtig og ren sødme
Bryggemetode: Filtrer | Press
Vægt: 454 g
"Dyrker bæredygtig specialkaffe og støtter samtidig uddannelse, forskning og samfundsudvikling i Marcala"
COMSA is a coop that has been growing, processing and exporting coffee out of Marcala, Honduras for over 20 years. Rodolfo Peñalba’s (Director & Founder) vision, and all of the coop associates’ dedication are transforming the community landscape through innovation, equity, integrity and social responsibility.
From seed selection, through the nursery and on the farm, at COMSA we are committed to sustainable agricultural practices while advancing education and holistic well-being in the Marcala community.
At our Biodynamic Farm La Fortaleza, our pilot research farm, we have been able to demonstrate and validate that high productivity and quality are possible. Through research, the use of biotechnology that preserves the natural ecosystem and through training of coop members on best farming practices.
Here, La Fortaleza farm is leading the way for sustainable coffee farming in Honduras and the region.
COMSA International School is a testament of the significant community transformation that our coop is committed to. High academic standards, plurilingualism, lunch programs, international exchange programs, sports and technology are COMSA’s contributions to a brighter future for Marcala and Honduras.
The coffee from COMSA’s roastery will transform your mornings. Each cup is a reminder of the care and passion of this coffee community. This coffee isn’t only delicious, it's also ethically grown and sustainable. You will be impressed by the different profiles of their washed, honey and natural processed coffee roasted just a few kilometers from where it was grown.