"Diverse, high-quality, specialty coffees using innovative techniques in a unique terroir"

"Diverse, high-quality, specialty coffees using innovative techniques in a unique terroir"
At CAFESMO through careful selection we are perfecting varieties grown at specific altitudes and soils with refined growing techniques, and are now able to offer an expanded array of specialty profiles.
CAFESMO is located within Mercedes hills in western Honduras (Copán Coffee Region), a stone’s throw from El Salvador and Guatemala. Our fincas are surrounded by the Cerro Pital, the Guisayote National Reserve and some of the country’s highest mountains that create ideal conditions to grow coffee.
This terroir upholds a rich mineral soil, natural shade and rainfall, which in combination with the altitude range (1,200 and 1,600 m.a.s.l.), is able to deliver truly unique and complex attributes in our coffees.
Our main coffee varieties include: Pacas, Lempira, Parainema, Catuaí, Obatá and IHCAFE90 processed with a range of techniques from fully washed to semi-washed, red honey, black honey, anaerobic and natural microlots.
Innovation is part of CAFESMO’s identity and through fermentation research with selected yeast and carbonic maceration we have developed some of our best cup profiles yet.
This team’s motto of ‘diversity and quality’ goes beyond coffee. A diverse co-op membership base, each with its own craft and stories is built by multigenerational men and women dedicated to our passion for growing coffee. CAFESMO is strongly committed to bringing the Mercedes growing region to the global spotlight. Be ready to enjoy the microlots from this proudly Honduran founded and operated initiative.